Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm on vacation for the weekend in La Ceiba. Today I woke up, washed my clothes in a laundry machine for the first time in 7 months. (My pants now fit again!) Made breakfast (and lunch) for 1. I watched some reruns of the office, talked to friends and family, and updated myself on whats going on in the world. By the time 12 p.m. hit, I had come to the conclusion that I already miss the Farm, and truly do love the work that I've been called to here.

I was so excited to be in La Ceiba this weekend to take a vacation from being a teacher, a community member, a girl scout leader, and so many other things that we are called to be at the Farm but I come to realize that although life is hard, and messy, and I honestly don't know what I'm doing most of the time- I'm more fulfilled being busy and stressed and lost while doing God's work than I am trying to live any other life. I don't want to make breakfast for 1 when there are other mouths to feed. Sometimes those mouths won't let you know that they appreciate you, but their presence is enough. I don't want to sit around and trying to educate myself about the many world problems, when I know them already, and my time can be used trying to solve them rather than letting them consume me. I don't want to do nothing when I have so clearly been called to do something. Doing nothing leaves me well rested with clothes that fit, but doing something leaves me with so much more: It leaves me with love. It leaves me fulfilled- knowing that this life here means nothing, but we are still called to strive for Heaven on Earth. It leaves me in Unity with Christ.

"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10: 22

Although the teenagers are still angsty and incredibly difficult to deal with sometimes, I love them with a love that's God's.
And what's an even bigger miracle is that when I'm angsty and difficult to deal with everyday- they too show me that same love.
"We love because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19

Cute story for the month:
Kate a fellow missionary teacher was teaching the 3rd graders about space one of the children asked how the planets stay up there. After giving them the proper answer that they probably didn't understand- one of our children raised his hand and said "That's not it! God uses His hands to hold them up! Each planet is on one of his fingers- and there are two for pluto!"

1 comment:

  1. I miss you so much! But would I take you away from where you are right now? Never. You are doing God's work, and that is amazing. I am so proud of you!
