If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation online...
2. Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate. Click Update Total.
3. If you have a PayPal account, sign in. If not, click Don’t have a PayPal Account to continue.
4. Enter your name, address and credit card information. Click Review & Continue.
5. Click on the link Add Donation Instructions.
6. Include my name, Sara DePhillips, in the instructions section.
7. Click Continue and Confirm Payment
8. You will receive an email confirming your donation and we will receive an email confirming the donation as well, so that we can send you a tax receipt.
You can also mail a check made out to the Farm of the Child to:
Farm of the Child
1616 Nottingham Knoll Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32225
1616 Nottingham Knoll Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32225