Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The last 3 weeks of my life have been, to say the least, hectic. After traveling from Antigua, Guatemala to Honduras we arrived in La Ceiba where our Phase 2 is currently located. After the children finish their education here (up to 9th grade) They have the opportunity to move on to phase two to continue their education in high school, and eventually college (phase three). Phase two permits them to have more freedom, responsibilities, and life experience in general.

After a couple days in Ceiba we made our way to the Finca in Trujillo where we have had orientation for the last 2 weeks. We have had time to meet all the children, became acquainted with this lace and its rules, its spirituality, and the other volunteers that keep it together. We had the opportunity to shadow different jobs, and were informed on Friday what our official title would be for at least the next year.

I came here thinking that I would be the social worker for the small children, (having experience in both sociology and working with children) but through discernment realized that I was being called very much so out of my comfort zone, as were many of the people in my group. Instead of hanging out with small children, I will be the colegio (7th, 8th, and 9th grade) Math teacher. This is equivalent to the same grade in the U.S.- geometry, algebra, and whatnot. The only difference is that I will be teaching these subjects in Spanish, and the children tend to be high school age (14-18). Needless to say God is working in some mysterious was, but I’m so excited and ready to be in this position with all the blessing and difficulties. I will also be teaching computers to all grades (1st-9th). It’s amazing to look back even just a month ago and realize how much has changed within and around me that I would feel called to teach Math in a language that I barely know.

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