Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm here! What's Next?

I arrived in Guatemala last night after 5 hours of plane rides and a 3 hour layover!
So 8 hours of travel that were absolutely necessary to prepare me for what is to come.
The first plane ride gave me time to cry. To be sad about leaving my friends and family behind. Everything Ive know, and everything that is comfortable gone. After a couple minutes of crying, the 1.5 hour nap that ensued was also much need after my dad had woken me up at 6 a.m. that morning.
By the time I arrived in DFW I had nice alone time to remember that silence is so necessary for growth. I was able to reflect on the coming years, and how ready my heart actually was for this journey.

The next plane ride was truly a God send. When I handed the attendent my ticket, a busser went off, and she asked me to step to the side and see the other attendent. It seemed that my seat had been taken. The same thing happened to the man behind me and the guy that he was traveling with. All of our seats had been given to two people, and we needed to be reassigned. They gave the three of us seat in the same row with me in between the two of them. They were both with an organization called Project:Living well. The organization sells products to raise money for different projects, and is currently working on providing clean water in Guatemala City. The catch? You have to tell them what difference you plan on making in the world, or even just in someone elses life. To call people to something bigger than themselves and to show them that helping another is so much easier than they believe.
What amazing conversation!
Check out the organization (whose website will be up soon!) And what these amazing men are doing for the Kingdom!

More blogs to follow!

So much love and peace,

“I imagine that you may ask yourself, “Ok, what's next?” I encourage you to let the answer to that question be, whoever the next person you encounter is. What I mean is sometimes we have these huge events that we are involved in and when it is over we are looking for the next huge event to get involved in. I am encouraging you to view every interaction you have as the next huge event, because you never know when that one on one interaction is going to change a life. And God working though us to change a life is one of the biggest events we can have”
-Chris Rogers