Friday, August 17, 2012

Culture Shock?

One of the first questions many people asked when they first saw me in the States was, “How are you adjusting? Do you have culture shock?”
I smiled to myself and laughed thinking about how it was almost the opposite.
I was overwhelmed, yes, but not because I was in “culture shock”.  I was in shock of the love and generosity that surrounded my when I was in the United States. So many people concerned not only for my well being, but the well being of the children that I serve here on the Farm.

My first overwhelming experience came my first weekend home at my cousins wedding. It was so wonderful to see my entire family right when I came home. They showered me with love in the form of food, drink, and hugs. (Warm showers as well!) One of the biggest shows of love that I have seen to this date though came at the wedding. The actually ceremony so beautifully celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage, and it was so clear that my cousin Mary and her now husband Justin are truly going to bring the presence of God to this world and to their children. This in itself brought me to tears, as this Sacrament is rarely celebrated here in Honduras. For one reason or another, marriage is almost unheard of here. If men remain in the family they don’t have a wife, but rather a “woman”. Most children here have never known their fathers, and if they do, it may have been better if they hadn’t. The Finca is blessed to know a handful of men who have remained faithful and good to their families- but they are the exception. So, to be able to witness this beautiful Sacrament with a couple that I know will be a wonderful witness of the Holy Family truly brought me to tears.
Of course my cousins wouldn’t allow from relief from those tears for the rest of the night. I had been bragging to my community members about how wonderful my cousin and her fiancĂ© were for some time and how excited I was about being at their wedding. This may have been the understatement of the year.
As soon as I walked in to their reception, I saw this sign: 

I am still in awe of the selfless love this couple has. That even in the midst of their wedding day they continue to pour out their love and generosity on others. That they were thinking for and praying for and giving to the children at the Farm of the Child while planning their wedding… I have no words to even describe what that means to me, and to all of us here. It’s so encouraging to see the way that God’s love manifests itself in others.
Many people were expecting me to be in culture shock when I returned due to what some see as a selfish society, but I can honestly say that I saw the opposite. I saw people wanted to give of themselves, their love, their money, and their time. Some people not knowing how, but really truly seeking a way, and truly caring for others in this world less fortunate than themselves.

That’s not to say that I wasn’t overwhelmed by how many iphones exist as well, but I was by far more overwhelmed by the love that exists in those I know, and the potential each person has to make a difference with that love that God has given them.