Another way for you to get involved is by keeping up with this blog. I intend to write regularly over the next three years, and am looking forward to keeping you all updated about my time at the Farm. If you'd like to receive letters, or e-mail updates, please just let me and I'll be sure to write you as well!
A third way for you to support my work is by making a donation. In addition to the 27 month commitment that each of my fellow volunteers and I make, we also pledge to raise the funds to cover our living, travel, and preparation expenses. In my case, these expenses amount to $10,000 for the duration of my commitment. It's never easy to ask for money -- especially from the majority of you who are poor college students -- but even a dollar or two each month, for twenty-seven months, adds up to something great!
1. Go to
2. Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate. Click Update Total.
3. If you have a PayPal account, sign in. If not, click Don’t have a PayPal Account to continue.
4. Enter your name, address and credit card information. Click Review & Continue.
5. Click on the link Add Donation Instructions.
6. Include my name, Sara DePhillips, in the instructions section.
7. Click Continue and Confirm Payment
8. You will receive an email confirming your donation and we will receive an email confirming the donation as well, so that we can send you a tax receipt.
9725 Turner Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027
-Margaret Mead